# 1: Defining personalized harvest requirements
Interviews of oenologists and agronomists. Defining requirements. Defining functional standards of ART.
Deliverable # 1:
D1.1) Three reports of individualized harvest requirements.
D1.2) Report of operational requirements of ART.
D1.3) Project publicity plan.
D1.4) Report of best personalized harvest practices.
# 2: Supply and installation / adaptation of equipment
Availability study of available robots and support technologies. Supply of equipment.
Installation / adjustment of equipment.
Deliverable # 2:
D2.1) DRONES fitness report, robots and support technologies.
D2.2) Equipment purchase invoices.
D2.3) Robot ART with accessories.
# 3: Mapping of vineyards
Installation / familiarization with DRONE software. Vine mapping. Software development
map management by ART. Development of map creation software (CM) for ART navigation based on M.
Deliverable# 3:
D3.1) Three maps X0 of the three vineyards.
D3.2) Software for the creation of XM maps for grape selection
# 4: Development of ART’s drive subsystem and agricultural work
Software development (a) ART navigation route design, (b) ART location detection, (c)
Navigation of the ART, (d) Arm operation, (e) Calculation of the points of application of the agricultural works. Algorithm testing in real conditions.
Deliverable # 4:
D4.1) Technical report of description and analysis of the subsystem.
D4.2) Software operating software.
D4.3) Scientific publications in: 2 approved (Impact Factor) magazines, 5 international conferences with judges.
#5: Development of sensor processing subsystems and decision making
Software development for (a) Browsing, (b) Identifying inappropriate green grapes
Trygou, (c) Implementation of chemical analysis, (d) Manipulation of sensory organs (e) Identification of suitable grapes for harvesting of the Homogeneous Harvest, and (f) Identification of grape storage baskets. Real-world testing.
Deliverable # 5:
D5.1) Technical report of description and analysis of the subsystem.
D5.2) Sensor data processing software and decision making.
D5.3) Scientific publications in: 3 approved (Impact Factor) magazines, 5 international conferences with judges, 1 collective volume (Open Access book).
# 6: Vine tests and ART evaluation
Application of ART in wineries. Improvements in hardware / software – Corrections. Collection of statistical data and evaluation of ART.
Deliverable # 6:
D6.1) Three ART evaluation evaluation reports.
D6.2) Updated technical report of operation of ART.
D6.3) Website design and creation.
D6.4) Personalized vintage evaluation report on best practices.
# 7: Preparatory actions for commercial disposal
Market analysis and entry opportunities in Greece and abroad. Defining a framework for the creation of industrial production of the final product with the completion of the Project and development of business plan and preparatory marketing functions in order for the final product to be standardized, packaged and ready for sale. Standardization divides products into different qualities at which it sets different prices. The packaging places the products in a special material for their safe and efficient handling.
Deliverable # 7:
D7.1) Patents (1 National & 1 European), copyright
D7.2) Evaluation study and SWOT Analysis
D7.3) Business Plan Production
D7.4) Creation of informative material (publications, social media, sectoral websites, etc.)
D7.5) Thessaloniki / Athens Conferences, demonstration to professional bodies and entrepreneurs to express interest in ART’s investment / industrial development
D7.6) Multimedia presentation